The Magic Of A Baby During A Pandemic


There are few things, maybe even none at all, which we can completely control outside the walls of our homes. If we’re being honest, then there isn’t too much we can control inside our homes either; the dog, the kids, the husband, they’re all crazy. But one amazing, tiny little thing has kept me centered during this global pandemic – a baby.


Babies are magic. They’re sent straight from Heaven, delivered right into the waiting arms of parents from our Heavenly Father above. They are love in an infinite number of ways wrapped up tight for you to take home. When you get them home, that love begins to grow and flourish and you get the smallest taste of the love in Heaven waiting for each of us one day. 


I didn’t deliver during the pandemic, but for those mamas that did – I salute you. You probably didn’t get the delivery experience you wanted and you more than likely have family looking at the new babe through windows and doors. My heart aches for you. Please, don’t be discouraged. Times are weird, hard and even suffocating right now, but you’ve brought life into this world and you don’t need to forget that. 


Having a baby at home during this time has been the absolute biggest blessing of my life. There has been little scheduling, no worries, no unexpected visitors, no places to be, and few things to do. All sense of urgency and worry we normally experience in the first few months of a baby’s life have been erased. 


Oh, is it glorious!


We have been able to navigate feedings and diaper changes without a crowd. A new big brother hasn’t had his entire life upended, even though he thinks it has been sometimes. Weekends as a family of four have been just that and what an unexpected, and at first unwanted, blessing that has been.


The magic of a new baby has been able to unfold in our home due to the insanity of the world right now and oddly I am forever grateful. There is little I can control outside of my home and luckily I have been able to focus all of my energy inside these four walls for now. Getting to watch the smallest of all people learn, strengthen, and grow without any distractions has been the strangest paradise; almost an oxymoron in every sense.  

As wife and mama we are the constant our family depends on. We are their safe and sometimes their scary. We are always there to give a hug, lecture unwanted (but needed) advice, and to tell them we love them. This has become increasingly apparent during these times - we are their center. 

One thing is for sure, though I am sad to admit I may not have noticed it without the pandemic, my kids are my center and new babies are pure magic.
