A Mom's Guide to FREE Self Care
You hear it all the time: ✨ SELF CARE ✨ is essential.
When you’re in the thick of motherhood, you probably hear that and roll your eyes. Who has time for self care? I would need a babysitter.
I get it. I’ve said and thought the same things. I’ve been in the fuzzy newborn days of sleep deprivation. I’ve fought through PPD & PPA not once, but twice. I have a husband that works increasingly long hours and travels often. I’ve lived away from all family and had no childcare options. I’ve sat in my car and cried in the garage with a crying kid in the back, wondering if I’ll ever make it through these baby/toddler years. I. Get. It.
I used to become overwhelmed at the thought of self care. “It’s one more thing I don’t have the time, energy, or money for”, is what I often thought. Self care gets distorted in various ways, but what it comes down to is this:
self care is simply taking time for yourself to mentally recharge and reset.
It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. It doesn’t have to take a ton of time. It doesn’t have to be a girls weekend away and entail a plane ride or two. It doesn’t have to be social media worthy. Self care is available to you however you make it happen, although it does take a little bit of effort on your part.
I’ve learned over the few years I’ve been a mom to take any and every chance I get to recharge myself. I’ve found short and simple ways that refill my soul and allow me to be a better wife and mom. If you are looking for ways to find joy quickly and with no cost, read on.
A Mom’s guide to FREE self care
Focus on your breath - slow it down, breathe intentionally, soften your eyes.
Take a walk outside
Sit in the sun
Buy yourself flowers
Declutter a space that gives you anxiety
Plan out your week to reduce chaos
Listen to your favorite music
Put on noise cancelling headphones
Cook your favorite comfort food
Yoga poses - stretch your body in new ways
Call or text someone that brings you joy
Try out a new podcast
Take a break from social media
Watch your favorite childhood movie
Hug your babies
Drink water
Take a nap
Wash your hair
Change your sheets
Take a drive alone
Ask for help
Find a virtual support group that fits your needs
Read a book
Say no to something you didn’t want to do to begin with
Take your vitamins
Open the windows to let fresh air in
Light a candle
Try something new
Turn off the news
Clean out your closet
Visit someone you love
Text someone that’s been on your mind
Look at old photos that bring you joy
Tidy your flower beds
Make intentional time with your spouse
If you’re looking for a way to clear your mind and just feel better, I hope you try an idea on this list or do something that speaks to you.